What are your character strengths and values?
What gives you personal satisfaction?
Do you know what activates you? What needs to be present?
Are you aware of your patterns and what you pay attention to?
How do you pay attention in the world?
Do you find that it’s much easier to focus on things that interest you?
Who do you want to be? How close are you to that?
How do you process information and conversations, instructions?
Is it difficult for you and others to understand the intensity of your emotions?
Are you terrified of trying and failing? How about trying and failing in front of others? Do you often procrastinate because of this?
Is your sensitivity to rejection almost unbearable?
Do you get discombobulated and/or angry when interrupted?
What do you know about your negative thoughts and when they show up?
What are your limiting beliefs and how do you want to create new awareness?
What you Pay Attention to Grows
“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
What are your character strengths and values?
What gives you personal satisfaction?
Do you know what activates you? What needs to be present?
Are you aware of your patterns and what you pay attention to?
How do you pay attention in the world?
Do you find that it’s much easier to focus on things that interest you?
Who do you want to be? How close are you to that?
How do you process information and conversations, instructions?
Is it difficult for you and others to understand the intensity of your emotions?
Are you terrified of trying and failing? How about trying and failing in front of others? Do you often procrastinate because of this?
Is your sensitivity to rejection almost unbearable?
Do you get discombobulated and/or angry when interrupted?
What do you know about your negative thoughts and when they show up?
What are your limiting beliefs and how do you want to create new awareness?
*What you Pay Attention to Grows*
“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”